Sunday, October 21, 2007

Andrew (and Alli)'s top 5: Deaths

In honor of the Death of the New Gods, we bring you the top 5 deaths. Of course, if we wait until Wednesday, we'll probably have another death we can honor.

Okay, here's how this is gonna work people, we're gonna do the top five "Serious" deaths, and then the top five "Not So Serious" deaths.

5. Jason Todd

Jason's death was an emotional action, effecting Batman in a disturbing and profound manner. It also was one of the most disturbing turns for the Joker, brutally beating his victim mercilously. It was an important death for the DCU, and changed story telling extremely. It also meant something since fans of the book got to choose whether to kill or save Batman's second sidekick. The Robin is now alive, though. More on that later.

4. Captain Boomerang and Jack Drake

Out of the deaths in Identity Crisis, this one effect us more. Not that Sue Dibny's didn't mean something, but recently in Justice League of America, Dinah mentioned that death to Dr. Light two years after the fact in continuity. This death, meanwhile, shaped Owen Mercer to become the heir to his father's legacy, and sent Tim Drake down a dangerous slope closer to becoming Batman, which is a more disturbing notion then we can put into words.

3. Barry "The Flash" Allen

This could have gotten higher, were it not for the DiDio "is he staying dead?" teases in Countdown previews. No character's death impacted the whole multiverse more for longer. It was truly something.

2. Alex DeWitt

The death that launched Women in Refridgerators. This death made the list not for its emotional impact, or universe spanning meaning, but because of that cultural impact. Gail Simone, one of our favorite writers, used this as a launching pad for a feminist perspective, and for a successful carreer so far. Also, she was stuffed in a fridge: that's disturbing.

1. Ted "Blue Beetle" Kord

Ted's death is the most recent on our list, and one that lifted a lesser known character to a major player, only to put a bullet through his head. We're not bitching about this death as many do, Beetle does mean more dead then he did alive, honestly, but he also works as good segway with the following panel.

Honorable mentions: Captain America (C'mon, no one believes he's dead, this was his 11th). Batman (He's died almost as many times as Captain America). Ra's Al Ghul (Lazarus Pit FTW!). Booster Gold (His death had some people goin... Not Alli though, and she'll be the first to tell you that). Supergirl (would've meant more were it not for Powergirl, she's better, bigger... brains). Donna Troy ("I'm not quite dead yet"). Big Barda (She was killed in her kitchen, off-panel. That's stupid)

5. Oliver "Green Arrow" Queen

He chose to die so that Superman wouldn't save him. Only an insane blonde archer would choose to die for his arm. He went in a blaze of glory, Bon Jovi Style, but he died for his arm. He also died again by having his jugular stabbed by Black Canary, even though we all knew he wasn't dead. That was a shitty death. Shitty shitty death.

4. Alex "Fridgegirl" DeWitt

She got stuffed into a fridge to make Kyle Rayner more sympathetic. Need we say more? You can't force more sympathy for Kyle, unless you kill his dog too.

3. Jason "I'm Crazier then Batman now" Todd

His death meant something before Judd Winick. Now he's just a joke. Note that the prior three deaths were touched by Judd Winick to some extent.

2. Ch'p

So much as we love the space squirrel, he was killed by a yellow truck. Can you honestly think of a better death for a space squirrel? Alli dare's you. Because she "knows you wouldn't dare!"

1. Pariah

The character who's power was to die, dies. That's pretty damn funny. Thank you Alex Luthor.

So that's our top 5 deaths. Serious and not.

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